The Impact of your donation

Recognizing the need to improve the health outcomes of children whose lives are affected by poor access to healthy foods, Community Green Farms was established in 2022 to move the nutrition needle. Our organization seeks partnerships from private and public funders to place state-of-the-art hydroponic growing systems in schools. We work closely with school administration to incorporate an innovative, cross-sector curriculum that teaches students a variety of skills associated with farming, health and wellness, economics, and so much more. Our projects create impactful connections between community members and donors with the students and school districts. Together, we will ensure that the next generation understands the importance of proper nutrition while changing the future of food through hands-on education.

Your tax-deductible, charitable donation helps us to provide state-of-the-art hydroponic shipping container farms to schools. Together, we will change the future of food and the wellness of everyone involved.


I'd like this amount to  
hydroponic lettuce farm, school programs in Kansas, agricultural education, students, science One School & One Child At A Time
hydroponic lettuce farm, school programs in Kansas, agricultural education
A years worth of farm supplies


hydroponic lettuce farm, school programs in Kansas, agricultural education
A years worth of utilities


hydroponic lettuce farm, school programs in Kansas, agricultural education
a month of assistance from a farm technician


hydroponic lettuce farm, school programs in Kansas, agricultural education
place a grow tower at a school


hydroponic lettuce farm, school programs in Kansas, agricultural education
one month of farm supplies for a school


hydroponic lettuce farm, school programs in Kansas, agricultural education
one month of utility costs for a school


Get a Farm Classroom at Your School!


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